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    So we guess this is the part where we actually tell you who Dustin Michaels is right? Where to start... We interviewed him a while ago and got some pretty interesting stories and facts. For such a big time player this is one quiet superstar..​.                      ​​

Early Years

   Starting in 2003 in the quiet (yes we said quiet ha ha) town of Dothan, Alabama there was a wrestler inside of a teenager... little did we know that this wrestler would become "The Icon" Dustin Michaels. Earning a spot early in his career as the person to most likely get his arse whooped Michaels quickly climbed the ladder of success.

    First as a tag team extraordinaire with long time friend and colleague Halo (later known to the masses as Mark Weiss) Playing hot potato with The Law Dawgs for Gold (SXW U.S. Tag Team Titles) for FIVE (5) solid months Michaels showed his talent. Back and forth these relentless superstars strove to prove who was the best. After laying waste to The Law Dawgs (Or pound puppys), Michaels and Halo took their feud to another big time Tag Team "Team Xtreme" (Backstreet Brawler and Luke Goldberg) Unbeknownst to Michaels this tag team would prove immovable. Crushing spirits and egos after never succeeding in their quest to beat Brawler and Goldberg this threw Halo and Michaels in a tailspin teaching them no matter how good you think you are you can always be beaten. Firming Michaels resolve to learn from this he decided to make this his reality check.

    After learning all they could from their battle with Brawler and Goldberg, Halo and Michaels decided to regain their confidence by rekindling their quest for the SXW U.S. Tag Team Titles. Going back after The Law Dawgs they quickly regained their championship standing and more so their momentum. On the top once again (And with U.S. Gold around their waists) it wasn't enough to satisfy the taste for success.

   Determined to be the best tag team in SXW history Michaels and Halo sought out the SXW World Tag Team Titles. These belts were held by none other than Team DVC (Blackhart and Big Daddy) Throughout the southeast these teams gave it their all. Battling from the coast of Georgia to the tip of Florida back to the shores of grand old Alabama they put blood, sweat, and tears into this journey. Finally in Taylor Alabama on the final battle of this EPIC journey in a ladder match to unify to SXW World and U.S. Tag Team Titles in a winner take all showdown. For near to an hour these four combatants destroyed their selves and each other until finally the belts were retrieved. The crowd was in awe. For the first time in SXW history the titles were united. Michaels and Halo had done what no other before had EVER managed to do. Michaels was now one half of the Undisputed SXW Tag Team Champions.

    Defending their titles became the number one priority (Besides girls and autographs) until one fatal day when Michaels found out his partner was injured and could not compete. This left Michaels to defend the titles ALONE (He could have came and at least hit people with his crutches). Regrettably, Michaels was unable to do this alone when a three on one handicap match was set to go ahead in Hayneville, Alabama. Pushing Michaels to his limit the team of Blackhart, Big Daddy, and Unique conquered the once dominant tag team champion at his lowest point thus far. With defeat hanging over Michaels like a dark cloud he regresses into a string of losses, bruising the ego of a talented warrior.

    Michaels finally gets his light at the end of this tunnel. Hearing from the injured Mark Weiss (We told you name changes from Halo. Now stop scratching your head.) he was now cleared of all injuries and was looking to once again get on the road to glory. (Marks' words not mine) He was looking to regain the tag team momentum with Michaels as his partner. (Yes again this time going to LAW... Long story sorry had to edit out some of this to give you all the gist.) They were not the same players they were before... Michaels was unused to working as a team anymore, and Weiss (Halo) still had a nagging injury that refused to heal. Michaels was no longer one half of anything. Michaels was becoming.....   ​


​              The Icon

    Now starting his solo career, Michaels needed a good match to cement his progress. Starting with mentally insane (For those of you who don't know that is a nice way to say CRAZY.) superstars like Psycho Carl (Stocking on his face yeah we would not touch this guy. Scary.) Michaels slowly started racing toward his ultimate goals. Beating Psycho (Crazy) Carl, Michaels left a string of victims in his wake. (Some you know, some who cares)Through all of this Michaels meets his toughest foe to date... Tommy G.

   Although Michaels had learned a lot up to this point Tommy pushed Micheals to give one hundred and ten percent (110% in case you needed a visual) at all times no matter what. It was this concept that sparked the series of brutal, uncensored, and unbridled matches between the two. The first couple were undecided winners in pretty much every match. (NOBODY won) LAW (Lower Alabama Wrestling founded by the AMAZING Tommy "Kingpin" King. God rest his soul- not a joke great person, friend and mentor of Dustin Michaels) was forced to press its executive hand by scheduling a falls count anywhere no disqualification match between Michaels and Tommy G. This proved ineffectual as both men had their shoulders down for the three (3) count. At this point the vendetta comes to a boiling point with both men trying to prove that they were the "Better Man" in LAW (Lower Alabama Wrestling).

   Once again LAW (Lower Alabama Wrestling) pulled the executive card and called for a ladder match. Hanging in the balance would be a One (1) year guaranteed contract to basically be the new "Face of the LAW Company". Giving it their all they battered each other until you couldn't recognize either one of them, but finally there was a clear victor. Michaels was finally on top. (Again) Of course Tommy G wouldn't let it go that he needed a rematch (to regain his manhood) to prove himself a worthy opponent. LAW agreed to another big match in the form of a strap match. Mutilating their bodies with the thick strap until the flesh on their backs was a deep purple (heh heh Deep Purple, Smoke on the Water.. But I digress), Tommy G had managed to weasel his way to victory. (Totally cheated)

   Again Michaels was on a mission to prove that he was the "Better Man". Another back and forth bout of matched ensued until Michaels had a mishap off the top rope mangling his knee. This injury put Michaels out of commission for almost three (3) years. Vowing to get Tommy G back for the pain of his knee and being away from his fans Michaels came back for a match to see if the injury was well and truly healed and to bruise the body of his arch rival (Tommy G). While he accomplished the beating of Tommy G all was not well with Michaels' knee. Back to thearpy was the only option.

    Finally April 28, 2012 "The Icon" returned to the first home of wrestling that he knew. SXW. Coming in with a fresh knee and renewed determination Micheals immediately defeated Brian Quinn for the SXW United States Title.

    Tommy G had heard Michaels was back but was enraged to hear that Michaels had won the SXW U.S. Championship because Tommy had never gotten to have his rematch with Brian Quinn that was promised. (Whining was in this interview but was taken out due to time issues for this article sorry Tommy G)Tommy felt it was unfair that Michaels was able to be away for such a long time and be able to walk and and steal what he (Tommy) thought was his (Tommy's) title. Tommy G then went to the executives at SXW to get a title match. Grudgingly, Tommy was granted permission to pursue the title.
Back to Present Day


    So now we have two of the most bitter rivals dueling for the chance to keep (Michaels) or to get back (Tommy G) the SXW U.S. Championship. So far the clear (Even for a blind man) winner has been "The Icon" Dustin Michaels.





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